Type of Aasana : Basic / Intermediate.

Basic Position : Basic Position : Baithak Stithi. Both legs straight and joined .Hands at the back supporting the trunk palms facing down . 

How to do the Aasana : 

  1. This is one of  aasan for meditation and for beginning of certian yogic aasans. 
  2. Turn both legs from one side at the back so that you are ready to sit with buttok placed on the soul of your feet. 
  3. Thumbs should now touch eachother and there should be some distance between knees depending on if you are fat or slim. If you are fat take comfortable distance  between knees. If you are slim knees should be touching each other ideally very close.  however in any case the thumbs of both foot should touch  each other. Now rest your buttock on the soles of the feet.
  4. Remember in this position both soles of feet should be facing the sky. Not bending forward is important to get benefits of this aasan. i.e. trunk should be straight.
  5. Mudra should be dhyan or chin mudra. With hands relaxed on respective knees.
  6. Elbow can be bent in order to give relaxation to arms.
  7. imagine a divine light in between your eyes. Eyes should be closed.

Photo : 

Breathing :

Variations :