21st Century and Yoga

21st Century and Yoga

--By : Mandar Samvatsar (Shivanand Yog Centre  , Aurangabad )

21st Century is called as “The DIGITAL AGE “ . Where only 1 and 0 exists . The combinations of 1 and 0 are so fast and immense that this age has resulted in more sufferings than blessings . This is true as far as the Physical and Mental Health is concerned. The speed of data transfer has grown up many folds, putting even more pressure on speed of our thoughts. The social media has changed the socio-economic-political structure of society. Which takes you more outwards than inwards. In this paper I see yoga as exact opposite force to take you from outward to inwards to your real self (or Swa-rupam)  . Newton’s third law states For every Action there is Equal and opposite Reaction . Equal in Magnitude and Opposite In direction. And Yoga is this force which protects us from the harmful effects,side-effects when we enjoy the digital age.
What is  21st century Most important Characteristics ? 
Speed is the most  important characteristic of this century.
The real funny part of 21st century is SPEED has increased of doing every work. And speed = distance /time . i.e speed is inversely proportional to time . So if speed has increased then time should decrease. So spare time available with you should increase . However it is not the case. Spare time for you for resting , for family, for friends, for doing nothing ,for meditation, for mantras chanting has decreased significantly or reduced to zero.
This speed has both good and bad sides. Depending on how you make use of it. But one thing is sure that this speed has induced Huge Physical and Psychological Stress and huge options of materialistic pleasures . This has brought down the satisfaction level.
Can we stop 21st Century ? 
Obviously answer is NO
Can we get rid of this Physical and Psychological Stress and ill effects of 21st Century ?  
Yes By YOGA 
Now the question arise how can we achieve this  ? 
First of all it is important to understand that mind and body should work properly and in harmony . Problem starts when one system starts malfunctioning .This affects the harmony and other system also gets affected. Yoga Helps to keep it intact. YOGA is not Exercises or aasans . It is most misunderstood term.  On the contrary YOGA is complete package and aasans are one part of this package.
So what is YOGA ? What are are other components of this package ? and how it affects physical and mental levels of human being ?  and what is the basis of what I am saying ? And how it is relevant in 21st Century is explained further in this paper. 
What is NOT YOGA ? and WHAT IS YOGA ? 
Different Texts define it differently. But definitely YOGA is not exercises. The the definition which I personally like the most caters to Blocking of Vrittis as given by saje patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.IT is the second sutra in first pada i.e Samadhi pada.  It is “YOGA Chitta Vritti Nirodhaah “ 
Now the question arises how can one reach to this stage by performing aasans. The answer is no. Aasans are one of the steps to achieve this.  Patajanjali Yoga Sutras or Raj Yoga gives step by step analysis to reach this stage. 
Now common complaint in 21st Century s WE don have time to do all this ?
You have a choice “run with  the faulty  scooter in hand” because you have no time to repair  or repair scooter sit on it and enjoy the remaining journey. I have chosen the second.

Yoga is a extremely powerful tool in Health Management. It should be started in early age to get benefits at its best. IT maintains good health both physical and mental, both muscular and sketal, both heart and lungs and overall wholel body and mind. Other option is medicines with so many side effects and so much contradicting research that you will be always confused. Example earlier they used to say eat iodine salt now they say eat normal salt . Earlier they used to say eat soya bean now they say don’t eat soya bean. Earlier they used to say don’t eat coconut oil today it is most preferred oil by health experts. Earlier they used to say statins should be given for high cholesterol today they say otherwise sometimes they say walking is better sometimes they say running is better . Sometimes they say faster the better and other times they say slower the better. Confused ?? 
So from Aasans when we do Surya Namaskar ,Then Pranayam , Then Bandhas  and Mudras and then Shat karmas and meditation and matra sadhna  we move to different koshas to finally reach a stage where vrittis are totally stopped and we start looking inwards more than outwards. This is divine bliss. In 21st century this is not achievable unless you practice yoga in its full spirit and word . 

What is the basis to what I am writing ?
I have met so many modern doctors no one denied that it’s a way of life for 21st century . Most of modern doctors themselves do yoga. However in a capsue form by joining a small class of 1-2 hours. I would still appreciate this because something is better than nothing. 
All ancient texts from Shiv Samahita, Gherand Samahita, Gorakh Samahita, Patanjali yoga sutras describe one or other aspects of this in detail. Most detailed and systematic is Patanjali yoga sutras. In the Book “Four Chapters of Freedom “ Swami Satyanand Saraswati has gone in length and breadth to explain each of this sutras in so much detail that each block falls in the right place and things become clearer and clearer. YOG Nidra by Swami Satyanand Saraswati dvelves into psychic aspects , sleep, relaxation and concentration and conscious, subconscious and unconscious nature of human mind that it will clearly help in the mental peace in this speedy 21st Century . 
If all this basis was false why would the world start looking at it seriously especially in 21st century. Why would World declare 21st June as YOGA day. 
Sage Patanjali himself says never believe what is written even in Vedas  or what you have seen by your eyes or even  what you have heard by your ears …… only you EXPERIENCE it yourself. 
Health BENEFITS of DOING YOGA in 21st Century ?
Some of these experiences I have personally felt some of them are discussed and taken from patients.  
1. Pranayam : Nadi Shodhan Very helpful in Asthama and Bronchitis . IT maintains good immune system
2. Pranayam : Kapal Bhati and Bhramari : Very good for old age patients for memory loss issues . It triggers the frontal lobe of brain and helps in good memory. It is also good for students for exams for memory purpose. Also Positive effects are seen for acidity.
3. Pranayam : Surya Bhedan : When done with khumbak increase BP. Hence recommended with patients for low BP. 
4 Pranayam :  Chandra Bhedan When done with khumbak decrease  BP. Hence recommended with patients for high  BP. 
5. Dhyan or Chin mudra conserves energy in our body and helps to concentrate.
6. Ujjai pranayam with kejri Mudra helps for reducing pain and during fever.
7. Sukshma Vyaam : Helps in Bones and Muscles toning up and maintain good health of them and prepares for next set of aasans.
8. Inverted Aasans like sarvang aasan,halasan,viparit karni aasan along with counter pose of matsyasan helps for good blood circulation in the brain.
9. Resting aasans like Shavasan, Matsya kridaasan helps in taking rest and concentrating on the body from inside. Further after this if YOG Nidra is done then helps to reach higher koshas for mental benefits. There are many many more benefits all cannot be listed here …
In 21st century where time is limited and targets are huge to get the best benefits one should practice yoga especially Sivananda Form of Yoga which is more relaxed format. A small capsule of 1-1.5 hours can make wonders ….