Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Shain Stithi (Sleeping on Back pose) Sleep comfortably on the back. Legs joined together. Eyes looking at the sky. Both hands  next to buttocks facing downwards  . 

How to do the Aasana : 

  1.  This is most commonly used aasan as a resting aasan in between the yoga aasanas . Rest is very important in between all aasans for deriving best benefit out of them. And Shav aasan is favourite of all of resting aasans.
  2. Let the hands and legs set loose
  3. take some distance between legs.
  4. also keep both hands at some distance from the trunk.
  5. palm should be facing upwards.
  6. resting and breath awareness is most critical to this aasan.
  7. No part of the body should be stretched or twisted. all body is relaxed .
  8. Now you have to go to each part of the body in imagination without actually moving that part.
  9. Start from right hand thumb, 1st finger ,2nd finger,3rd finger and 4th finger , then right  palm then right wrist then right elbow then arm then right shoulder ,right back, right hip , right buttock ,right thigh,right knee ,right ankle ,right foot, finger of right foot one after another.
  10. Do similarly for left so that your back side of body is covered.
  11. Now start with front side from the top forehead,eye brow and eyes , nose , mouth, chin , throat,chest,stomach,top of thighs ,top of knees, top of foot and fingers  left side and right side.
  12. IT should take 6-7 minutes to have mental darshan of your body and you will feel completely relaxed.
  13. Remember not to fall asleep during this aasan. Sajakta i.e awarness is critical. But also your thoughts should not wander anywhere else except mental darshan of the body.
Photo :

Breathing : normal all the time.

Concentration : on different parts of the body or on the counting from 27 to 1 . and also on respiration

Benefits : Physical and mental body is greatly beneficial because of this. . It is used as resting in between two aasans.  It is a poorva taiyari or preparation for pratyahaar. 

Variations :
With Udar Swashan (Abdominal Breathing)
With Chatiche Swashan (Cheast Breathing)
With Throat breathing as in Ujjai (Throat breathing)
With body awereness in different parts of body.

Advanced Variations :
Note only to be done after 4-5 years of basic practice of shavasan.

Visualisation of Blue light on left nostril and movement along with breath and Red light in right nostril and movement along with breath with alternate nostril breathing.

Visualisation of breating in from the feet till the ajnya chakra with blue light and breating out from ajnya chakra to feet with red light.