Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Dand Stithi ; Standing erect position. Legs joined at feet  and Knees. Trunk and Back Straight . Basically standing straight and erect on ground.

How to do the Aasana : 

  1. Take little distance between legs for begineers and intermediate level. 
  2. Inhale and clench hands above head like namaskar . Hands must be moved from side, with shoulders touching respective ears. 
  3. Its like namaskar with arms straight above head.
  4. Exhaling Bend knee and lower buttok such that you sit . Remember entire foot should be on ground including heel.  This is final position.  Remember you should try not to bend forward as much as possible. 
  5. Do Bahir kumbh in final position count OM1,2,3,4,5 
  6. Inhale while Standing up again.
  7. Exhale while putting hands down from side.
  8. This is one round.
  9. Do such 5 Rounds. 

Photo :

Breathing :

Variations :

  1. Try with legs completely joined to each other for advanced practicioners.