Type of Aasana : Intermediate/Advanced 


How to do the Aasana :

Be cool and relaxed . Focus on your body. It should be stress free at the beginning of this powerful aasan.
Chandra  Namaskar are set of aasans , one after other in a rythm of mind and body.

Best benefits if this is done facing the Moon . However it should not be done with food in stomach. Stomach should be empty .

IF you are doing indoors then dont use AC. Do it in ventilated place. Place should be clean. Imagine Full Moon and Calm Ocean  in front of your eyes while doing exercises.

Never over exert yourself. IF you fee uncomfortable stop immediately. Remember it is not the quantity but the consistency  which has more benefits weight-age.

Marked in yellow is one round. ie Om Kamaswarayi Namah  and do 14 positions. Then start again with  On Bhagamalinyai Namah. so on...

Take in between rests in shav aasan if you are not comfortable .

Compulsory 5 min shavaasan rest after completion of Chandra  namaskar to reap best benefits of it.

Procedure :

Photo :

All remaining is as per surya namaskar. Only insert this Ardha Chandrasana in position 5 and 11 so that total half rounds go to 14 and full round count goes till 28 .

Breathing : Explained in table

Variations : Nil