Breathing aspects
1.Poorak = Inhale
2.Rechak = Exhale
3.Antarkumbh = reatain the state of inhaled breath
4.Bahir kumbh = retain the state of exhaled breath

Always remember this is not a RACE.ITs not about the amount of time or amount number of times you perform , it about doing it every day  and small improvements every day  . It is about being CORRECT and  Be MODERATE in doing pranayamas . Be BALANCED in doing pranayama  and most importantly be WORRY FREE when doing pranayamas. 

For CORRECTNESS aspect i will always recommend  to get trained from the Masters of this vidya. However for normal purposes if you follow remaining three rules of BALANCED ,WORRY FREE AND MODERATE then it is ok.

Place Selection : Before Start of Yoga Ensure that you are in a clean , airy space preferably open above . ACs are typically not prefered. Natural environment and nature and sunlight and clean air flow is the key to place selection.

Mats : You may or may not use Yoga Mats , But if you use then  prefer non-rubber non leather and non spongy mats. 

Aasan : For beginner simple aasan like sukhasan is good enough. In this aasan you should be comfortable for next 10 minutes. However when you reach intermediate or expert stage you may wish for padmasan or vajrasan .

Dress : Any loose dress is ok  . However if you want to get benifits of sunlight then some part of the body should be exposed to sun. This depends if you are doing yoga at public place or on your house roof or garden.

Time : As per my experience time from 5AM to 7AM is the best time. 

Food : Yoga should be performed when your stomach is empty. So dont do yoga till 3-4 hours after eating. Also in the morning do yoga after using your toilet and emptying the stomach.

Steps : 
1. Place your yoga mat.Sit in Any favourite aasan of yours.or sukhasan. Mudra is pran mudra or chin mudra.
2. Close your eyes 
3. Be calm and relax
4. Breathe normally for 2-3 minutes
5.Imagine a divine light in between your two eyes . Keep concentrating on this divine light.