This is the beginning of Pawanmuktasan part 2 series.
This series is primarily focused on the digestive system , although all other systems also get good benefit out of it. Acidity , Indigestion, flatulence, Gases, No urge to eat, urge to eat excessively, Diabities, and reproductive systems also get benefit because of this set of  aasans. It is also good for varicose veins.
Sajakta or concentration :
On the movement, on the breath, on the mental counting while doing aasans , push and pull during aasans on stomach area and other muscles.
Before starting these aasans body should be stable and mind should be calm and relaxed.

Caution : High BP, Heart ailments, Sitica,slip disk or other spinal chord related ailments or recently operated person should not do it or do it in moderation as advised by doctor.

Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Shain Stithi (Sleeping on Back pose) Sleep comfortably on the back. Legs joined together. Eyes looking at the sky. Both hands  next to buttocks facing downwards  .
How to do the Aasana :
Chakra is Circle and pad is leg. i.e. to make circle using leg.
Lift right leg little above the ground.
Now rotate it clockwise so that it makes big circle as possible.
Remember to get best benefits of aasan knees should not be bent.
Make such 5 rounds
Then anticlockwise 5 rounds
Then repeate same with left leg.
Sajakta or concentration :
On the movement, on the breath, on the mental counting while doing aasans , push and pull during aasans on stomach area and other muscles.
Benefits : Strengthens the joints at hips and muscles of the back. Especifically useful for fat people. It significantly reduces belly fat.

Photo :

Breathing : Inhale while raising leg and exhale while lowering leg. Or Normal respiration throughtout both is ok.
Photo : 

Breathing : Normal.

Variations :
1. Both legs together in same direction.
2.Both legs together in opposite directions.