Type of Aasana : Intermediate/Advanced 

Basic Position : Vajrasana 

How to do the Aasana : 

  1. While inhaling put your hand  hands at the back and hold the knee of respective leg  .
  2. Like shashank aasan While exhaling bend forward from the hip till  forehead touch floor and  is in relax positions.
  3. While Inhale and Now raise the buttock till 90 deg angle is formed . Automatically while doing this head will roll from fore head to top of head. This is final position 
  4. Do antar kumbh count om1,2,3,4,5
  5. While exhaling lower the  buttok and come back to shashank aasan.
  6. While inhaling raise the trunk and come back to vajrasan.
  7. This is one round
  8. Do such 3 rounds.


Photo :

Breathing :

Variations :