Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Shain Stithi (Sleeping on Back pose) Sleep comfortably on the back. Legs joined together. Eyes looking at the sky. Both hands  next to buttocks facing downwards  . 

How to do the Aasana : 

  1. Inhale and now raise feet at 20 deg angle with ground and at same time raise from hip the trunk so that it makes 20 deg angle with ground. Hands should be straight and palm downwards but raised at same height as toes .
  2. So now buttocks is like a pivot to balance.
  3. Do antarkumbh and count om1,2,3,4,5
  4. While exhaling return to shain stithi or you can also exhale after coming back to shain stithi.
  5. this is one round
  6. do such 5 rounds.

Photo : 

Breathing : explained in aasan.

Variations :