Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Sukhasan , Padmasan , or Siddhasan or any other aasan in which you feel comfortable for next 10 minutes.Mudra should be dnyan or chin mudra. Eyes closed .

How to do the Pranayam  :

  1. It means Bee sound berathing. 
  2. Firstly be calm composed reduce the speed of thoughts and quantity of thoughts  breathe normally but deeply.
  3. Which each outgoing breath feel the relaxation in the body. Shoulders and face is relaxed throughout the activity.
  4. Rythm and speed are critical to this pranayam .
  5. Jaws relaxed and some distance between the teeth but lips closed.
  6. Put index finger to close respective ears and arms straight parallel to ground side ways.
  7. Now do purak 5sec
  8. Now do  rechak by making humming bee sound mmmmm..... 10 sec.
  9. This is one round
  10. Do such 20 rounds.
  11. Beginner are not advised to do kumbhak.

Variation :
1 Advanced practicioners can do this with  kumbh  and with different patters of purak and rechak as given below. However it should be done under supervision.

2. Advance practicioners can do bhramari in Nadanusandhan position. i.e sit in squatting position. Close ears with the thumbs and remaining fingers on fore head and remaining practice same as explained before.