Hello everyone , Aahar or Diet is today most debated subject with everyone talking what to eat ? When to eat ? How to eat ? How much to eat ? etc.... Its good because everyone now believes significant role of food in maintaining good physical and mental health , although approaches of different MASTERS  differs  but the destination is the same . In this purview i present before you the views articles of MASTERS in this field. As i always say be slow to adopt changes, do things gradually moderately and in a balanced  manner. Also each body is different . Success stories of some may be usless for others but the objective is to bring to discussion various aspects of diet so that many can benefit if not all ..... and hence its my present to you the "AAHAR SHUDDHI" or "DIET PURIFICATION "

-- Mandar Samvatsar

Article 4 :  Is it necessary to eat Non- Veg and consume Alcohol because you live in a Cold country ?Myth Vs Reality a practical view point 
By Swati Jog Nawathe

Introduction : Swati Jog Nawathe   is  an 'EXPERT'  Dietitian and holds  A Master's degree in Food and Nutrition from Eastern Michigan University, She is  Registered Dietitian and also  A Certified Yoga teacher. She herself  have been doing intermittent fasting for past 9 months. I know about her being highly passionate  about food and nutrition and going into the length and breadth of the topic. She has a huge following in US and other countries and she loves to talk on 16 hours intermittent fasting . This article clearly cuts the myth about importance of alcohol and non-vegeterian diet in cold countries. Swati  has put to use her practical experiences which has lead to the conclusion.

All the vegetarians who live in cold countries and also strongly believe in vegetarian diet , do not find any need to switch to non veg, including me. We have nuts and oils and warming comforting foods such as soups with beans or cooked sprouts . Our own Indian warm foods with spices are great way of creating warmth in the body and open up sinuses. Unless people were skiing and are spending lot of time in cold outside, I do not feel eating non veg and having alcohol is necessary. We have examples of athletes who are involved in intense sports activity are vegan. All western countries have central heating in the house, malls and at work. Cars are heated too. AC may be an option to buy, but all cars come with heat. People are just hopping from one heated area to the next heated area. The work places are nice and warm. I never thought cold weather ever felt like I am not eating enough to tolerate cold. There are ways to add fat and protein by making dates and nuts लाडू (laddu) without adding sugar. Similar to डिंक लाडू. My thoughts
Article 3 : "ENZYMES" - The Health Builders
By Dr Jeewanlal Gandhi 

Introduction : Dr Jeewanlal Gandhi is a very senior Naturopath , popular for his theory and aligning with Nature concpets.  He did his Bachelor Of Integrated Ayurvedic Medicne.Nagapur. N.D.Naturopathic Graduation.Hydrabad.Ayurved edic Medicne with Modern Medicne and Surgery. He has worked as  Senior Consultant.Caring after Indoor Patients in a 75 beded Indoor Health Center with 38 assisting staff.He gives expert advice and guidance in Diet; Treatments and Yoga as per Diseases to all health seekers.Looking after their overall health. Currently he heads  Shri Mahavir Yoga and Naturopathy Resarch Center. He has huge fan following on youtube , and his books on Ayurveda ,diet and Naturopathy are a 'big hit' .  I am delighted so present before you his article  "ENZYMES" - The Health Builders  as the article no 3 in the series of AAHAR SHUDDHI . 

The survey conducted by outstanding authority tells us that for many years  Medical Practice has been greatly concerned with the
Infectious Diseases, but now today it is realized that the great problem is 
the Metabolic Diseases,which are directly affected by what we Eat.
80% of modern diseases called Chronic Diseases,Incurable and needing Life long Medicines are due to faulty Metabolism.
It's estimated that out of every five persons one has one or more ailments and other four person's may have varying degrees of Ill-health that are not serious enough to warrant Medical attention.No one can boast Mentally and Physically Fit.
We have at our disposal more than seven hundred different helpers, which are not singular,they are millions upon millions of each seven hundred helpers , and they are found in two places right withen our Digestive System and the Foods we eat. 
These miracal Health Builders are ENZYMES. that give us life and death.
They serve the sole purpose of Digesting foods and extracting the Vitamins,Minarals,Amino Acids, Fatty Acids,Sugar and Flevonides,Anti Oxidents and all assential nutrients ,which help to built-up in to our Body structures.This is a vital process without which life will perish.
They have been used to dissolve Scar tissue,to eliminate the pressure and pains of Slip disks, to reduce Tumors and body swellings conditions of body and cure ailments. Enzymes are needed for every step in the Metabolism Processing.
A minute deficiency inevitably paves the way to Illness and all Chronic Diseases.
Weak Enzyme behaviour may responsible for Leukemias, Cancures growth, Mental problems,Blood disorders and many other Diseases.
All our internal or external body functions ENZYMES are responsible.They are the secret key to Perfect Health.
ENZYMES are responsible for nearly every facet of our life and health.They are part of all living things from the cells in a  Weed,to cells of our Brain,and Organs.
Each Body cell has at least 100'000 enzyms particles which turn into Human parts.Enzymes do this by means of Digestion, extracting essentials which are build in to our Body.They help to give us Warmth,Energy Mental strength,Blink our Eyes,Beating the Heart.
Thus they are essentially responsible for creating all the activities of Body and Mind.
Few of us are aware of ENZYMES that constitute the Digestive Juices, which creat abundant health,build resistance to diseases,give us new Life.
By knowing the secrets of Fasting, the trick about adequate Chewing,proper breathing exercises (Pranayam), knowing the value of Raw Foods, Cooking  properly,is amazing way to build Stomach Digestion.
Wake up and live with Enzymes.
Following Natural Diet and Intermitent Fasting  which  can Detoxify and surcharge Body and Mind like nothing can else.
We don't have to worry about eating different patterns and quantity how much to Eat.
All Natural Raw Foods have ability of providing all that's needed for Health.
Appetite is our guide.
Return to Nature .Nature will take care of all of us.

(Note : These are Author's personal views )

By Swati Jog Nawathe

Introduction : Swati Jog Nawathe   is  an 'EXPERT'  Dietitian and holds  A Master's degree in Food and Nutrition from Eastern Michigan University, She is  Registered Dietitian and also  A Certified Yoga teacher. She herself  have been doing intermittent fasting for past 9 months. I know about her being highly passionate  about food and nutrition and going into the length and breadth of the topic. She has a huge following in US and other countries and she loves to talk on 16 hours intermittent fasting . This article of hers is inspired by one of the incidents this diwali. Though snackers will love it as it goes in their favour,  but caution is advised as she says clearly distinguishes that decision to eat is already taken and then the story should be taken in the context. Happy Diwali Faral....

When eating, one should eat food. If you ate something that may or may not be nutritionally sound, now that you have eaten, don't have doubts about the food you ate. Only thing is, one should not eat with doubts in your mind about the food. e.g. If I eat this particular food, I will have this problem, this doubt and fear should not be in mind. Or you will definitely have a problem. While saying the shloka, "Vadani kaval gheta Nam ghya shri hari che ..." we pray that we will not have any such trouble. - the reason I translated is because, I know a few friends in USA and may be here on group who get anxiety about eating certain foods thinking it will cause problem. There are people who are Hypochondriac where there is a constant fear and anxiety about everything. Even good, clean, fresh food is taken with fear that what if... Here by the process of intermittent fasting and positive thinking, we detoxify everything, then why have so much doubt?

Yesterday evening I was at a Diwali party at a friend's house. A friend who is hypochondriac ( abnormally anxious about their health) started talking about how she eats nothing outside in India because nothing is clean and pure. Then she said that the dals she buys from Indian stores, are brought in to the country under FDA regulation and she feels safer to eat those. No matter what I tried to tell her about not worrying so much and do IF to help detoxify, her anxiety only got worse. She used to do IF before. After 3 months she had a bout of stomach upset and she blamed it all on IF and and now decided to eat 3 meals plus snack. She completely blames it on IF. This is truly self destructive thinking. If you are going to eat, think positive, eat it as pious food. If you feasted, then fast and don't harp over it. My 2 cents

(Note : These are Author's personal views )

Dr Vikram Pattarkine
Pennsylvania, USA

Introduction  :Dr Pattarkine holds a PhD in environmental engineering from Virginia Tech and a Master of Technology in chemical engineering from Nagpur University, India. He has been adjunct professor of environmental engineering at the University of Missouri and has also taught graduate students at Pennsylvania State University. He has been recognized by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services as an Alien of Extraordinary Ability . Dr  Pattarkine to me is known as MASTER in spreading  the concept of raw vegan diet and intermittent fasting . He has logically weaved nature with his theory coming at NATURAL conclusions . He lives in USA and has huge fan following   in diet , nutrition especially RAW-VEGAN from INDIA and many other countries. RAW-VEGAN diet  is very close to his heart. Dr Vikram has been a yoga practitioner for four decades and teaches yoga regularly to those interested.He follows and actively promotes a lifestyle based on natural plant-based diet for both personal health and the planet’s sustainability.   I present before you his article for my blog  "LIVING ACCORDING TO NATURE'S PRINCIPLES"  as FIRST ARTICLE ON AAHAR SHUDHI ON MY BLOG . HAPPY EATING ... :) 


From my study of ecology, experiments with diet, and spiritual practice, I have learned the following principles:

- Organisms appear in an ecosystem only when (a) ecological conditions for their appearance and survival, and (b) food appropriate for their sustenance are available.
- Each organism has a beneficial ecological role - of cleaning the ecosystem. This applies even to the organisms we call pathogens and pests.
- Every organism (other than human beings) consumes food appropriate for its nourishment, only to satisfy its hunger, and stores nothing other than what is naturally needed for its survival.
- Every organism tries its best to save its life and does not give it up willingly. Thus each organism's life is as important for it as our life is for us.
- Any organism kills another organism only as necessary for either food or self-defense.

We must understand the above principles and consciously implement them in our lives. When we do so, we are rewarded by nature with individual as well as social health and well-being. Any contrary behavior is an offense against nature, for which we are penalized through disease and (social, economic, environmental) adversity. We ourselves are responsible for our condition and life. Instead of blaming our problems on others (and consequently trying to correct others), we must look at our own behavior and correct ourselves.

Our foremost discipline must be to consume, collect, and store only what is necessary for our survival. Only then can every organism on the planet get its fair share. While it is clear consuming only what we need is good for other organisms, what we do not clearly realize is living at “need level” is good even for ourselves! As babies we have this intuitive discipline but as we grow older we are enslaved by our taste buds, our culture, our cuisine, etc, consequently failing to recognize and respect our natural instincts.

Natural diet and fasting help our body function “at ease” because of which “disease” automatically disappears and we enjoy phenomenal health. This experience is much more pleasant and longer lasting than the short-lived pleasure we get from frequently eating cooked or processed food. A daily fast of 16-23 hours can reduce inflammation in our body significantly, reverse or arrest the progress of almost every chronic/lifestyle disease, and slow down the aging process. Fasting also helps the body process and excrete toxins including pesticide traces we might ingest with food.

Our ability to access our body’s natural intelligence improves significantly when we fast. When our body is healthy our mind calms down. We feel a deeper connection with nature and life around us. We become aware we are a part of the living cosmos, not apart from it. Conflict disappears from our mind and we become naturally peaceful.

When we consume only what we need, then other organisms rarely bother us. We spontaneously start following the “live and let live” principle for all organisms - not just for human beings. We start realizing what Sant Dnyaneshwar says in his Pasayadan: may all beings live in a spirit of friendship and harmony (भूतां परस्परे पडो मैत्र जीवांचे).

Humans are the only creatures free to act in a manner suitable or unsuitable for their environment. Therefore, humans are the only creatures who damage the environment (and in turn hurt themselves). We may arrogantly declare ourselves superior to other creatures, but nature does not treat us that way. In the animal world (other than humans) gluttony, hoarding, or exploitation/rape are not observed. Only when we eliminate these desires can we claim to have come up to the animal level. Then we can think of elevating ourselves to the human level. Once we start living as true human beings (the way nature intends), then others start thinking we are superhuman. As Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev often says “This is not about being superhuman.

This is about realizing ‘being human is super!’” If we can rise above our “animal” nature and get even a glimpse of our true nature, then we are no longer tempted to live like animals. That is the way to respect nature that has created us.

All life forms are manifestations of the same Supreme Reality (called by different names in different traditions) and are made of the same material - hence fundamentally the same. This realization of the underlying unity of everything is “being in yoga” - the ultimate union (अद्वैत - advaita or non-duality) - the ultimate experience. We must all resolve to start living by these universal principles and create a wonderful life not only for ourselves but also for all life forms around us!

(Note : These are author's personal views )