GULFA GHORNAN (Ankles Cranking on the thigh)

Type of Aasana : Warm-up 

Basic Position : Baithak Stithi. Both legs straight and joined .Hands at the back supporting the trunk palms facing down.

How to do the Aasana :

  1. Keep Right Knee on left Thigh
  2. Rotate Right Ankle Clock wise 5 times by left  hand moving and right  hand holding the ankle . Then rotate counter clock wise  5 times
  3. Come back to basic position 
  4. Then put left knee on right Thigh
  5. Rotate Left Ankle Clock wise 5 times by right hand moving and left hand holding the ankle  . Then rotate counter clock wise  5 times

Photo :

Breathing : Inhale while moving upward movement of ankle  Exhale while moving forward movement of ankle.

Variations :
1. Individually Right leg, Left Leg,
2. CW ,CCW