Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Dand Stithi ; Standing erect position. Legs joined at feet  and Knees. Trunk and Back Straight . Basically standing straight and erect on ground.

How to do the Aasana : 

  1. Legs should be close together  
  2. Entangle  hands above head and keep it above the head with palm facing the sky or roof  . 
  3. Breathe in and stretch arms straight above head in upward direction so that now the shoulders toch the ears . At the same time lift the heel so that you stand only on toe. 
  4. Retain breath in this position . Antar kumbh.  count OM1,2,3,4,5 
  5. This is one round.
  6. Do such 5 Rounds. 

Photo :

Breathing :

Variations :
1. Tadasan prakar 1 : look in front and concentrate on a spot on a wall
2. Tadasan prakar 2 : look at the top or palms 
3. Tiryak Tadasan explained seperately.

  1. Try with legs completely joined to each other for advanced practicioners.