Type of Aasana : Intermediate/Advanced 


How to do the Aasana :

Suryanamaskar is the symbol of total essence of spirituality (adhyatma) . In olden days it was used  praise and worship Sun .
Surayanamaskar is also aadhyatmik saadhna or spiritual practice. Because it involves AASAN,PRANAYAM,MANTRA SAADHNA AND BANDHAS .
Be cool and relaxed . Focus on your body. It should be stress free at the beginning of this powerful aasan.
Remember Surya Namaskar are set of aasans , one after other in a rythm of mind and body with proper breathing .
Best benefits if this is done facing the rising sun. However it should not be too hot. Don't look directly into the sun . IF possible if you are not doing in public area you can expose some part of body to the sun to get benefits like vitamin D .
IF you are doing indoors then dont use AC. Do it in ventilated place. Place should be clean. Imagine Rising Sun in front of your eyes while doing exercises.
Never over exert yourself. IF you fee uncomfortable stop immediately. Remember it is not the quantity but the consistency  which has more benefits weight-age.
Take in between rests in shav aasan if you are not comfortable . Stomach should be empty when you are doing this.

Compulsory 3 min shavaasan rest after completion of surya namaskar to reap best benefits of it.
Poorva taiyari : (Initial preparation)
Join both hands and legs . Or keep some distance between the legs.Both hand should be relaxed on the sides.
Close your eyes and concentrate on your body. Now balance your body weight equally on both legs.
Imagine Negativity, Tension, Diseases  are going out of your body from your feet. And also imagine A divine energy is entering your body from feet.
Now focus into chidakash. Imagine a rising sun in it . Praying to gods (ishta devta abhivadan) and praying to lord Sun (sura devta abhivadan) start further kriyas.
For physical benefits speed of doing should be increased. And for Spiritual benefits it should be decreased and should be slow.
1. Pranam Aasan : Join  both hands and both legs and do namaskar stithi in front of your chest. Breathing Normal

2. Hasta Utthan Aasan : Raise both hands from the front over your head and towards the back bend back little backwards. Breathe In : Purak

3.PadHast Aasan : Bend from the waist in the front such that forehead touches the Knee and hands touch the ground near respective foot. Breathe out . Rechak

4. Ashwasanchalan Aasan : Bring back the right foot and touch the right knee on the ground.  Bend the left knee and push the stomach downwards and look at the sky or as high as possible. Breathe In purak .

5. Parvataasan : Now take left oof backwards and stand on both hands and feets with mountain top at buttocks . There should be no bend in elbow and  knee. Try to touch chin to the chest. Breath out Rechak.

6.Ashtang Namaskar Aasan : Now bend both knees and touch following 8 ang. 2-toes ,2 knees,2 hands,1-chest  , 1-chin. No breathing or Bahir kumbh.

7. Bhujang Aasan : Now lift your chest  and straighten your elbow fully and do bhujang aasan. Breathe In purak .

8. Parvataasan : stand on both hands and feets with mountain top at buttocks . There should be no bend in elbow and  knee. Try to touch chin to the chest. Breath out Rechak.

9 . Ashwasanchalan Aasan : Bring in front  left  foot and touch the right knee on the ground.  Bend the left knee and push the stomach downwards and look at the sky or as high as possible. Breathe In purak .

10.Pad Hast Aasan : Bring in front the right foot such that forehead touches the Knee and hands touch the ground near respective foot. Breathe out . Rechak

11. Hasta Utthan Aasan : Bend wast straight now and Raise both hands from the front over your head and towards the back bend back little backwards. Breathe In : Purak

12. Pranam Aasan : Join  both hands and both legs and do namaskar stithi in front of your chest. Breathing Normal

This is half round then continue from 13 to 24 . Only in case of 16.ashwasanchalan aasan this time left foot goes back and while coming back at 21 ashwasanchalan right foot comes front . Remaining all is same.

Benefits : It helps in all systems i.e Respiratory system, circulatory system, Endocirine Glands system,Skeleton and Muscles System, And for heart and lungs .
Caution : High BP, heart problems, operations, Knee problems, Fever , if any of the conditions exists one should not do it.  Even if your body feels tired stop immediately. Take rest.
When to do SuryaNamaskar 

Order of Surya Namaskar in overall is after initial mantrasadhana , onkar and before aasans to get best benefits. It also does purvataiyari or preparation benefits for aasans.
Procedure :

Beej Mantra
Om Hraam
Om Mitraya Namah
Pranamaasan : simple pranam mudra
Om Hreem
Om Ravaye Namah
Hasta Utthan Aasan : Raising hands pose
Purak : Breathe in
Om Hroom
Om Suryaya Namah
Pad Hast aasan : Forward bending pose touching head to knee and hands on floor with knee straight.
Rechak : Breathe out
Om Hraim
On Bhanave Namah
Ashwa Sanchalan aasan : Riding horse or horse stepping pose.
Purak : Breathe in
Om Hraum
Om Khagaya Namah
Parvat aasan : Or mountain pose
Rechak : Breathe out
Om Hrah
Om Pushne Namah
Ashtang Namarskar : Eight parts touching floor  salutaiton
Bahir kumbh : No respiration after breathing out.
Om Hraam
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
Bhujang Aasan : The cobra pose
Purak : Breathe in
Om Hreem
Om Mariche Namah
Parvat aasan : Or mountain pose
Rechak : Breathe out
Om Hroom
Om Adityaya Namah
Ashwa Sanchalan aasan : Riding horse or horse stepping pose.
Purak : Breathe in
Om Hraim
Om Savitraye Namah
Pad Hast aasan : Forward bending pose touching head to knee and hands on floor with knee straight.
Rechak : Breathe out
Om Hraum
Om Arkaya Namah
Hasta Utthan Aasan : Raising hands pose
Purak : Breathe in
Om Hrah
Om Bhaskaraya Namah
Pranamaasan : simple pranam mudra
Rechak : Breathe out

Photo : 

Breathing : Explained in table

Variations :
1. In advanced stages speed to be lowered  and maintain each position with kumbhak (bahir kumbh or antarkumbh as explained in each position) for 5-10 seconds depending on your level. During maintaining go mentally to to the chakras w.r.t position as given below.

Beej Mantra
Anahata : Behind The heart
Om Hraam
Om Mitraya Namah
Pranamaasan : simple pranam mudra
Vishuddhi : Behind the Throat
Om Hreem
Om Ravaye Namah
Hasta Utthan Aasan : Raising hands pose
Purak : Breathe in
Swadisthan : At the end of spinal chord
Om Hroom
Om Suryaya Namah
Pad Hast aasan : Forward bending pose touching head to knee and hands on floor with knee straight.
Rechak : Breathe out
Ajna : Between eye brows but at centre postion of head from all axis
Om Hraim
On Bhanave Namah
Ashwa Sanchalan aasan : Riding horse or horse stepping pose.
Purak : Breathe in
Vishuddhi : Behind the Throat
Om Hraum
Om Khagaya Namah
Parvat aasan : Or mountain pose
Rechak : Breathe out
Manipura  : Behind the navel
Om Hrah
Om Pushne Namah
Ashtang Namarskar : Eight parts touching floor  salutaiton
Bahir kumbh : No respiration after breathing out.
Swadisthan : At the end of spinal chord
Om Hraam
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
Bhujang Aasan : The cobra pose
Purak : Breathe in
Vishuddhi : Behind the Throat
Om Hreem
Om Mariche Namah
Parvat aasan : Or mountain pose
Rechak : Breathe out
Ajna : Between eye brows but at centre postion of head from all axis
Om Hroom
Om Adityaya Namah
Ashwa Sanchalan aasan : Riding horse or horse stepping pose.
Purak : Breathe in
Swadisthan : At the end of spinal chord
Om Hraim
Om Savitraye Namah
Pad Hast aasan : Forward bending pose touching head to knee and hands on floor with knee straight.
Rechak : Breathe out
Vishuddhi : Behind the Throat
Om Hraum
Om Arkaya Namah
Hasta Utthan Aasan : Raising hands pose
Purak : Breathe in
Anahata : Behind The heart
Om Hrah
Om Bhaskaraya Namah
Pranamaasan : simple pranam mudra
Rechak : Breathe out