Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Shain Stithi (Sleeping on Back pose) Sleep comfortably on the back. Legs joined together. Eyes looking at the sky. Both hands  next to buttocks facing downwards  . 

How to do the Aasana : 

  1.  Utthan is to raise and pad is leg. Which means leg is to be raised from ground. However important to benifit of this aasan is the knee should not be bent any time during this aasan or it variations.
  2. Raise right leg . till it reaches 90 degrees. Inhale while doing so. This is final position.
  3. Retain position for 5-10 sec . count om1,2,3,4,5 ... Retain breath in this position and counts. This is antarkumbh.
  4. Now exhale and bring leg down. 
  5. Similarly repeat with left leg.

Photo :

Breathing :

Variations :
1. Both legs together
2.Both legs together at different angles 15,20,30,45,60,90
3. Individual legs at different angles  15,20,30,45,60,90