Type of Aasana : Warm-up 

Basic Position : Baithak Stithi. Both legs straight and joined .Hands at the back supporting the trunk palms facing down.

How to do the Aasana :

  1. Keep Right Knee on left Thigh
  2. Hold right ankle firmly with left hand. It should not move
  3. Hold right knee with the right hand 
  4. Rotate Right knee Clock wise 5 times by right   hand moving and left   hand holding the firmly ankle so that actual movement is at the hip . Then rotate counter clock wise  5 times . Try to make as big circle as possible.
  5. Come back to basic position 
  6. Similarly repeat for left hip.

Photo :

Breathing : Inhale while moving upward   Exhale while moving  downward.

Variations :
1. Individually Right leg, Left Leg,
2. CW ,CCW