Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Shain Stithi (Sleeping on Back pose) Sleep comfortably on the back. Legs joined together. Eyes looking at the sky. Both hands  next to buttocks facing downwards  . 

How to do the Aasana : 

  1.  In shain stithi fold legs as you do in padmasan.
  2. Now with the help of hand raise your trunk such that it forms a inverted "U" such that at one side of u is buttod and padmasan and other side is the upper section of head.
  3. Now remove support of hands so that weight is now on upper section of head and buttocks.
  4. With the hands clasp the toe of on the same side ie. which is of opposite leg.
  5. This is final position
  6. Try to retain the position for some time count om1,2,3,4,5 . Slowly after practice increase the duration.
  7. After that slowly come back to normal postion.
  8. This is imporant aasan as counter aasan  after performing sarvang aasan or hal aasan or viparit karni aasan. Or one of these should be performed after doing matsyasan. Balancing is the key in all yogic aasans. 
Photo : 

Breathing : normal all the time.

Variations :