Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Dand Stithi ; Standing erect position. Legs joined at feet  and Knees. Trunk and Back Straight . Basically standing straight and erect on ground.

How to do the Aasana : 

  1. Keep hands crossed in front of the body. Inhale and lift the hands right above the head maintaining the same crossed position.
  2. Now while exhaling take hands to side such that now they are parallel to ground and palm facing upwards.
  3. While inhaling again raise arms above the head so that they are crossed.
  4. While exhaling come back to initinial position of hands crossed in front of body.
  5. This is one round
  6. Do such 5 rounds.

Photo : 

Breathing :Explained during aasana.

Variations :

  1. Try with legs completely joined to each other for advanced practicioners.