Type of Aasana : Basic/Intermediate

Basic Position : Sukhasan , Padmasan , or Siddhasan or any other aasan in which you feel comfortable for next 10 minutes.

How to do the Pranayam  : 

  1. Firstly be calm composed reduce the speed of thoughts and quantity of thoughts  breathe normally but deeply.
  2. Which each outgoing breath feel the relaxation in the body.
  3. Once this is done now do the Nasagra Mudra Which means put index and middle finger in between two eye brows . 
  4. There are 4 basic patters . Which you can do . Do not do overdo. Do only two patterns on one day and remaining two on the other to make it more balanced and moderate.
  5. Remember in this pranayam only Right nostril is used  for both inhalation and exhalation .
  6. Left nostril is always closed.

I will explain pattern 4 

  1.  Close your left nostril ring finger and breath in for 5 seconds with right nostril - this is purak
  2. Now reatin inhaled breath for 5 seconds- this is antarkumbh
  3. Now exhale breath for 10 seconds from Right   nostril - this is rechak
  4. Now retained exhaled breath position for 5 seconds - this is bahir kumbh.
  5. Note again purak from right only and rechak from right only. 

This is one round.
Continue this for next 5-10 minutes

Photo : 

Variations : Ratios can be changed at advanced stages .