Type of Aasana : Warm-up /Basic 

Basic Position : Baithak Stithi. Both legs straight and joined .Hands at the back supporting the trunk palms facing down.

How to do the Aasana :

Left and Right motion

  1. Close your eyes . 
  2. Slowly move neck to the right . Exhale while doing so. 
  3. While inhaling come back to centre position . 
  4. While exhaling move to left. 
  5. While inhaling come to centre position again. This is one round. 
  6. Do 5 rounds like this slowly. There is no hurry or pressure.

Up and Down motion

  1. Close your eyes . Slowly move neck upwards as if it will look at sky or fan  . Exhale while doing so. While inhaling come back to centre position .
  2.  Slowly move neck downwars as if it will look at floor  . 
  3. While inhaling come to centre position again. 
  4. This is one round. Do 5 rounds like this slowly. There is no hurry or pressure.
Ears touching the shoulders motion :
  1. Close your eyes . 
  2. Slowly move neck to the right . It should be such that rt ear touches rt shoulder Exhale while doing so. 
  3. While inhaling come back to centre position . 
  4. While exhaling move to left in similar fashion.
  5. While inhaling come to centre position again. This is one round. 
  6. Do 5 rounds like this slowly. There is no hurry or pressure.
Neck Rotation motion :

  1. Do this slowly.
  2. Touch chin to the chest now start rotating the neck so that right ear touchers the right shoulder ,
  3. then in continued rotation neck will be back 
  4. and then left ear will touch left shoulder 
  5. and back to centre position. 
  6. This is one Counter clock wise (CCW) round . Do such 5 rounds CCW and 5 rounds CW
  7. Inhale while coming up of neck and Exhale while neck is lowering.

Photo : 

Breathing :Given in respective in rotations.

Variations :